Curriculum of high education is a set of plans and settings concerning content, study material, learning material and method to delivery it, and the assessment method used as the guidelines of learning activity organization in the university. Curriculum contains courses/modules/blocks supporting the achievement of graduate competency and giving the students discretionary to expand their insight and to sharpen their skill according to their interest, and likewise containing the description of courses/modules/blocks, syllabus, learning plan and evaluation.

Sociology Study Program or Department is capable of producing high-quality graduates complying with standard competency in Social Science, particularly in facing industrial revolution 4.0 and information society 5.0. The Sociology Study Program wants to keep producing graduates ready for contributing to the society that are required to be more responsive to the society’s need, demand, and trend. To achieve such objective, the Sociology Study Program arranges a curriculum based on National Standard for High Education (Indonesian: Standar Nasional Pendidikan Tinggi or SNPT), Indonesian National Qualification Framework (Indonesian: Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia or KKNI), Outcome Based Education, and Freedom to Learn-Independent Campus (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka or MBKM) policy.

The curriculum used currently in organizing education in the Study Program is the Curriculum of Sociology Study Program of 2021 that has been legalized based on the Rector of Universitas Sebelas Maret’s Decree Number 204.3/UN27/HK/2021. The Curriculum of Sociology Study Program of 2021 is developed to support the achievement of graduate learning gain as specified in the Program education objective of Sociology. The Curriculum of Sociology Study Program of 2021 is expected to prepare Human Resource (HR) with holistic competencies including soft and hard skills.

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