The participation of permanent lecturer in scientific/workshop/upgrading/performance/exhibition/expo involving practitioners from outside the University
Name of Lecturer | Type of Activities | Place |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si.,
Dr. Akhmad Ramdhon, S. Sos, M.A. |
The 2nd APSSI International Conference 2021
Universitas Brawijaya, Malang |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si.
Siti Zunariyah, S.Sos. M.Si , Dra. Sri Hilmi Pujihartati, M.Si.
The 2nd APSSI International Conference 2021
Universitas Brawijaya, Malang |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si.,
Dr. Akhmad Ramdhon, S. Sos, M.A. |
International Conference on the Energy, Environment, epidemiology, and Information System 2021(6th ICENIS 2021)
Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si.
Siti Zunariyah, S.Sos. M.Si , Dra. Sri Hilmi Pujihartati, M.Si.
International Conference on the Energy, Environment, epidemiology, and Information System 2021(6th ICENIS 2021)
Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si.
2nd International Conference on Agribusiness and Rural Development (IConARD)
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta |
Dr. Bagus Haryono, M.Si. | 3rd International Conference on Social and Political Science “Information Technology and Social and Political Dynamics” | Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Sebelas Maret |
Dr. Bagus Haryono, M.Si. | Konferensi Nasional Sosiologi V, Gerakan Sosial dan Kebangkitan Bangsa (5th National Conference of Sociology, Social Movement and Nation Revival | Universitas Andalas, Padang |
Dr. Bagus Haryono, M.Si. | The 1st UPI International Conference on Sociology Education | Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia– Bandung |
Dr. Bagus Haryono, M.Si. | Kongres II Dan Konferensi Nasional Sosiologi IV APSSI (2nd National Congress and 4th National Congress of Sociology) | Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado |
Dr. Bagus Haryono, M.Si. | Konggres Nasional I, APSSI (Asosiasi Program Studi Sosiologi Indonesia) [1st National Congress of APSSI or Indonesian Association of Sociology Study Program) | Universitas Sriwijaya, Palembang |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | Seminar Nasional dan Kuliah Pakar Urban Sociology (National Seminar and Practitioner Lecture on Urban Sociology)Theme : Facing The Urban Crisis In Surakarta. | Department of Sociology Postgraduate Program of UNS |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | Agama dan Modal Sosial : Studi tentang kontribusi nilai-nilai agama dalam membangun modal sosial masyarakat untuk hutan rakyat lestari Penulis : Siti Zunariyah, Argyo emartoto, Sri Hilmi Pujihartati Dalam : Konferensi Nasional : Islam dan Pengembangan Ilmu Sosial Humaniora [Religion and Social Capital: A Study on the Contribution of Religious Values to Building Social Capital for sustainable people forest. Authors: Siti Zunariyah, Argyo Demartoto, Sri Hilmi Pujihartati in National Conference: Islam and the Development of Social Humanities Science] | Faculty of Social and Humanities of UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | Seminar Nasional : Ekofeminisme Narasi Iman, Mitos, Air & Tanah [National Seminar: Ecofeminism, Creed Narration, Myth, Water & Land] | Department of Sociology Postgraduate Program of UNS |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | Penanganan Psikis Anak Korban kerasan.Dalam : Workshop Pencegahan kekerasan Terhadap Anak (Physical Management of Children being the Victim of Violence, in Workshop on Prevention of Violence against Children) | Bapermas PPPA dan KB |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | Lokakarya : Peningkatan Manajemen Bidang Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat FISIP UNS [Workshop: The Improvement of Management in Research and Community Service] | KPPMF FISIP UNS |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | Hambatan dan Peluang Sosio-Kultural dalam Strategi Pengendalian HIV/ AIDS di Indonesia. Dalam : Seminar Nasional Jaringan Epidemiologi Nasional Tantangan, Strategi Pengendalian Terkini, dan Pendekatan Epidemiologi Molekuler untuk Penyakit Infeksi Virus HIV/ AIDS, Flu Burung, Ebola, dan MERS-CoV (Socio-cultural Weakness and Strength in the HIV/AIDS Controlling Strategy in Indonesia. In: National Seminar on National Epidemiological Network: Challenge, Recent Controlling Strategy, and Molecular Epidemiological Approach to Virus HIV/ AIDS, Avian Influenza, Ebola, and MERS-CoV Viral Infectious Diseases) | Department of Public Health Science Postgraduate Program of UNS |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | Publikasi Ilmiah Pada Jurnal nternasionalBereputasi Sharing Pengalaman Pribadi Penulisan Artikel Jurnal Internasional Bidang Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik Berbasis Scopus Atau Ebsco Dalam : Pelatihan Penulisan Artikel Jurnal Internasional Tema “ Peningkatan Publikasi Internasional Untuk Menuju Word Class University” (Scientific Publication in an internationally reputable Journal. Sharing Personal Experience with International Journal Article Writing in Social and Political Sciences field based on Scopus or Ebsco In: Training for International Journal Article Writing themed “The Improvement of International Publication toward Word Class University) | Postgraduate Program of Universitas Slamet Riyadi Surakarta
Educational Development Institution of UNS |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | Seminar Nasional Pengembangan Pendidikan : E-learning : Regulasi, Pengelolaan, tren Tehnologi Terkini Menuju Kampus Digital (National Seminar on Education Development: E-learning: Regulation, Management, Recent Technological Trend toward Digital Campus) | Educational Development Institution of UNS |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | Pencegahan Narkoba Dari Pendidikan Keluarga Dalam : Forum Sosialisasi Pencegahan dan Pemberantasan Penyalahgunaan dan Peredaran Gelap Narkoba (P4GN) Bagi Kawula Muda (Drug Abuse Prevention from Family Education in: the Forum of Socialization on the Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse and Illegal Circulation) | Directorate General of Public Information and Communication of RI’s Ministry of Communication and Information |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | Rekayasa Sosial Dalam acara : Membangun Kepemimpinan Profetik Berbekal Wawasan Kebangsaan dan Intelektualitas (Social Reengineering in an Event: Building Prophetic Leadership with Nationality and Intellectuality Insight) | Kesatuan Aksi Mahasiswa Muslim Indonesia (KAMMI) Solo Raya |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | Penanggulangan HIV/AIDS Sensitif Gender. Dalam Prosiding Seminar Nasional Dinamika Gender Menuju Akselerasi Pencapaian MDGs di Indonesia (Gender-Sensitive HIV/AIDS Management. In Proceeding of National Seminar on Gender Dynamic Toward the Acceleration of MDGs achievement in Indonesia) ISBN : 978-602-7561- 81-6. Publisher: Cakra Books Solo | Gender Research and Development Center, UNS |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | Seminar Nasional : Kenegarawanan Kebangsaan dan Peranan Ilmu-ilmu Sosial (National Seminar: Nationality Statesmanship and Role of Social Studies) | HIPIIS in Universitas sebelas Maret |
Dr. Argyo Demartoto,M.Si. | International Seminar Faculty of Social Science And Communication, Violence Against Women & Children | Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences of UKSW Salatiga |
Dr. Supriyadi. SN. SU. | Seminar Nasional: Gender Politik Dan Pembanguan Di Indonesia, PerspektifMultidisiplin (National Seminar: Political Gender and Development in Indonesia: A Multidisciplinary Perspective). | FISIP UNS |
Dr. Supriyadi. SN. SU. | Seminar Nasional: Pengembangan Kelembagaan Ekonomi Petani (National Seminar: Farmers’ Economic Institutional Development) | PPS-UNS |
Dr. Drajat Tri Kartono,M.Si | Pelatihan Reviewer Penelitian (Training for Research Reviewer) | Dikti |