Prof. Dr. Mahendra Wijaya, M.S.

A Lecturer of Department of Sociology of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UNS

Muh. Rosyid Ridlo, S.Ag, M.S.I

A Lecturer of Department of Sociology of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UNS

Dr. Rahesli Humsona, M.Si

A Lecturer of Department of Sociology of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UNS

Dr. LV Ratna Devi Sakuntalawati, M.Si.

A Lecturer of Department of Sociology of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UNS

Rezza Dian Akbar SIP., M.Sc.

A Lecturer of Department of Sociology of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UNS

Dr. Siti Zunariyah, S.Sos., M.Si.

A Lecturer of Department of Sociology of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UNS

Dr. Sri Hilmi Pujihartati, M.Si.

A Lecturer of Department of Sociology of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UNS

Dr. Supriyadi, S.N., S.U.

A Lecturer of Department of Sociology of Faculty of Social and Political Sciences UNS