Preventing Radicalism through Tolerance Tenet

SOSIO FISIP UNS (7/4)-An alumnus of Sociology Department of FISIP UNS, Naeni Amanullah, S.Sos., M.Si, becomes a successful lecturer teaching in Department of Sociology of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia (UNUSIA), Jakarta. Naeni was a student of Sociology Department of FISIP UNS, graduated in 2005 and continued his study in the Department of Antropology of Universitas Indonesia to obtain Master degree. As a lecturer, Naeni assumes some courses: Academic Skill; Social Ethics, Indonesian Ethnography; Basic Social Science, Social Capital; Thesis Proposal Writing Method; An Introduction to Sociology; Research Practice and Seminar; Sociology of Religion; Basic Sociology, Organizational Sociology; Management; Urban Sociology; Sociological Theory; and Social Typology, Structure, and Institution of Archipelago. Naeni is an active sociologist in the religion- and radicalism prevention- related issues. His serious concern with this issue can be seen from his works such as Kesalehan dan Agency Perspektif Antropologis dalam Mendekati Subyek Beragama (Piety and Anthropological Perspective agency in Approaching Religious Subject). In this work, Naeni discusses concept of practice and piety according to Talal Asad and all at once criticizes Asad, in relation to Clifford Geertz’s general definition of religion. This article is a part of an anthology entitled Antropologi Agama: Wacana-Wacana Mutakhir dalam Kajian Religi dan Budaya (Anthropology of Religion: Up-to-Date Discourses in Religious and Cultural Studies), published by UI Press in 2012 and edited by Tony Rudyansjah. Another work is entitled The Akhlak Revolution: A Triadic Interplay Between Piety, Islamization, and Neoliberal Ethics. KOMUNITAS: International Journal of Indonesian Society and Culture12(1), 43-57, 2020. In addition, he has ever written a book as well entitled Tatakelola Pemerintahan Inklusif dan Inisiatif Lokal (Inclusive Governance and Local Initiative) published by Abdurrahman Wahid Centre in 2017. Since June 5th 2018 – June 2nd 2020, Naeni Amanullah assuming a mandate to be the Head of Department of Sociology, Faculty of Social Sciences, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia.

In December 2018-January 2019, he was affiliated with Research Team of Research and Community Service Institution (LPPM) of Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia (LPPM Unusia). The researches he has conducted are not far from religious issues and radicalism preventing effort. He stated that some of Islamic movements in State University Campuses in Indonesia have led to transnational Islamic movement. To Naeni, this movement needs attention from all parties because Islamic movement in State Universities begin to be oriented to foreign countries like Middle Eastern Islam tending to aim to be introverted from Indonesian diversity. Nevertheless, there are still national Islamic movements that are open to Indonesian diversity. This issue sensitiveness generates declination from some parties related to the result of his research mentioning that Transnational Islamic movement in some campuses in Indonesia like Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) directly denying the finding of Naeni’s research. However, on the other hand, his studies emphasize on optimizing the attempt of preventing radicalism including in the environment of State Universities. He thinks that transnational Islamic groups have not been able to formulate and promote their movements quickly; thus campus system and ecosystem adaptation need to be done not only by mubaligh (preacher) but also in collaboration of some campus elements. Such effort is considered to be able to optimize the achievement of tolerance in state universities campuses.


Author: Novel Adryan Purnomo (07/04/22)