Yanu Endar Prasetyo S.Sos., M.Si. PhD, a prominent researcher at BRIN
SOSIO FISIP UNS (20/12)-Yanu Prasetyo is an alumnus of Sociology Department of FISIP UNS and has graduated in 2007. During his study in the Department of Sociology, he participated actively in some student organizations. He became a member of VISI Student Press Institution (LPM VISI) of Fisip UNS in 2003 and became the Head of Member Building and Development (PPA) Division of Islam Student Association (HMI) Commissioner Office of FISIP UNS in 2004. He also occupied the position of the Chairperson of Sociology Student Association (HIMASOS) of FISIP UNS in 2005 and the Head of Member Building and Development (PPA) Division of Surakarta Subsidiary of Islam Student Association (HMI) in 2005. He was a smart student so that he received Undergraduate Student Award, Faculty of Social and Politics, Sebelas Maret University (2006).
Yanu Prasetyo got his master degree from Bogor Agriculture University, Bogor-Indonesia, Department of Rural Sociology in 2012. He got his PhD degree from University of Missouri, Columbia-MO, Department of Rural Sociology, Division of Applied Social Sciences (DASS) in 2021, with a dissertation entitled “When Walmart leaves small towns: vulnerability, food insecurity, and community sustainability.”
Yanu Prasetyo is now a researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency (Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional or BRIN) and a member of INFID research fellows since 2021. He conducted evaluation on community-based programs and social policies in Indonesia. He focuses his research on poverty, food insecurity, and community resilience. In his dissertation, he develops a rural vulnerability framework to analyze Walmart closures’ socio-economic impact in small towns in Missouri. During his Ph.D. at the University of Missouri-Columbia, USA, He founded the IndoBIG Network, an activist and research network in Indonesia giving advocacy concerning universal basic income as a solution to alleviate extreme poverty. Since spring 2017, He has participated in the Deaton Scholars Program, empowering MU students to address global poverty through collaborative problem-solving. He holds two graduate certificates in society and ecosystem and community process from the University of Missouri-Columbia. He also graduated from the MU Extension Community Development Academy in 2019. He published an article on a bibliometric analysis of environmental and resources sociology (2019) in the Journal of Society and Natural Resources and Dynamic Risk Perception and Behavior in Response to COVID-19 at the Natural Hazards Center, University of Colorado Boulder (2020) with his PhD Adviser, Dr. Hua Qin. He received some awards and scholarships: the MU International Engagement Award for Outstanding Student Contribution (2020), Freeda Thomas Yeo Agricultural Fund (2020), the Lionberger scholarship (2020-2021), PhD Scholarship from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education – Republic of Indonesia (2016-2020), Master Scholarship from Ministry of Research and Technology – Republic of Indonesia (2010-2012), The Best Participant award (researcher) on The Training of Research Method and Data Processing, Center for Education and Training Development, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (2009), and was selected into the Rollins Society based upon the Society’s watchwords Officium (Duty), Fides (Faithfulness), and Ductus (Leadership) (2021). He is familiar with computer program and statistics software, Knowledgeable with bibliometrics software and its application, and an active user of Social Network Analysis software. He is skilful in Basic in Net Logo (Computational Modeling), passionate with videography and photography, Multidisciplinary team collaboration, and Community survey & mixed method.