Making Sociology the Queen of Social Science is Rachmad Kristiono’s Great Dream

SOSIO FISIP UNS (24/1)-Rachmad Kristiono Dwi Susilo, S.Sos, MA, Ph.D., an alumnus of 1994-Generation Sociology FISIP UNS has successful career as a lecturer and the Chairperson of Sociology Department of FISIP of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM) all at once since 2000 until 2021. Through his learning experience, Rachmad becomes a lecturer practicing Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi (three pillars of Higher Education) embodied into his activity in developing academic works in UMM campus,

As an alumnus, Rachmad has considerable contribution to his former campus as manifested into his active position as the Head of Alumni Family Association (Ikatan Keluarga Alumni or IKA) of Sociology Department of Faculty and Social and Political Sciences Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) 2018 committed to explore the potency of alumni to contribute actively to UNS.

As the leader of Sociology Department of UMM until December 2021, Rachmad also establishes cooperation with the Department of Sociology of FISIP UNS by holding some activities focusing on developing the Departments including discussing curriculum design, preparing the Freedom to Learn – Independent Learning (MBKM) program implementation, and developing another strategy to develop the departments.

Rachmad holds a principle that the concepts become the smallest order that is crucial to the development of a science, including Sociology. Meanwhile, according to academicians, Indonesia has not optimized the concept yet so that a strong strategy is required to deal with it. Rachmad take some strategy to deal with it, among others, through writing some books: Integrasi Ilmu Sosial, Memadukan Ilmu Sosial Tiga Peradaban (Social Science Integration, Integrating Social Sciences in three civilizations) in 2005, Sosiologi Kependudukan (Sociology Demography), Pemikiran Teori dan Analisa Sosiologis Di Balik Fenomena Kependudukan (Theoretical Thinking and Sociological Analysis behind Demographic Phenomenon) in 2006, 20 Tokoh Sosiologi Modern (Modern Sociological Figure) in 2008 and Buku Sosiologi Lingkungan (Sociology of Environment) in 2008 becoming one of his most epic books in his study.

As a sociologist and lecturer, Rachmad studies in-depth sociological issues, particularly Sociology of Environment and Natural Resource. To implement his seriousness in reinforcing and developing Sociology of Environment and Natural Resource, Rachmad took his postgraduate study in Master of Sociology Study Program of FISIP UGM, with main concentration on Environment-Oriented Sociology of Development (eco-development). In addition, to improve his knowledge on the Sociology of Environment, he took advanced study in Public Policy and Social Governance in Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan. Under direct guidance of the Chairperson of Japanese Association of Environmental Sociology (JAES), Prof Dr.Ikeda Kanji, Rachmad successfully completed his study with dissertation entitled: “A Sociological Study on the Grassroots Environmental Movement after Reformation in Indonesia : A Case Study of Water Source Conservation Movement in Batu, East Java” in 2018.

Rachmad always maintains his commitment to reinforce and to develop Sociology of Environment and Sociology of Natural Resource. It can be seen from his works themed Sociology of Environment, including: Sosiologi Lingkungan (Sociology of Environment) in 2008, Sosiologi Lingkungan dan Sumber Daya Alam: Perspektif Teori dan Isu-Isu Mutakhir (Sociology of Environment and Natural Resource: Theoretical Perspective and Recent Issues) in 2012 and Teori dan Praktik Sosiologi Lingkungan (Sociology of Environment Theory and Practice) in 2019.

In addition to his activeness in campus, Rachmad also actively organizes Indonesian Sociology Association (Ikatan Sosiologi Indonesia or ISI) in Malang Raya along with other alumni of Sociology FISIP UNS. Owing to this relation, ISI Malang Raya becomes the most productive ISI throughout Indonesia. Rachmad also attempts to develop more specifically the concepts in the Sociology of Environment through his participation in regional, national, and international forums, such as Masyarakat Beresiko (The Risk Society), Paham Antroposentrisme dan Krisis Lingkungan Kita (Anthropocentrism and our Environment Crisis, Scientific Oration in Yudicium FISIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, on January 19, 2005, Masyarakat Pesisir dalam Ancaman Global Warming [Coastal Society in Global Warming Threat) (Jurnal Transisi, 2010), Co-Management sebagai Strategi Pengelolaan Alternatif Pembangunan Peka Konflik (Co-Management as an Alternative Strategy of Managing Conflict-Sensitive Development) (Scientific Oration in Yudicium of FISIP Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang, on August 5, 2010), Demokratisasi dan Ruang Publik dalam Pengelolaan Lingkungan (Democratization and Public Space in Environment Management) (Contributor to Democracy, Civil Society, and Globalization).

In addition, he also socializes Sociology of Environment through mass media by delivering opinion to local, regional, and national newspaper and directly through Road show of Sociology Caring about Environment in Senior High Schools throughout Malang Raya; Administrative and institutional Facilitation of HIPPAM of Bumiaji Village Batu City; Initiator of Peace on Green: Planting 100 Trees in Sumber Precet, a collaboration between Students of FISIP UMM Malang and Farmer Groups in Sumber Precet, Batu; Facilitation of Community-Based Rubbish Program in Pandanrejo Village, Batu City. Then, along with In-Trans Institute, he facilitated the activities of Dinoyo Traditional Market Seller Association to terminate the Mall Construction conducted by Malang City’s Government. Even, Rachmad has been one of figures initiating the Commemoration of World Water Day in Bulukerto Village as the form of environmental education in Batu City, East Java.

Rachmad aspires to make Sociology the Queen of Social Science and he feels that he not achieved it yet completely. It is because of so complex problems coming both from internal sociologist and external factor that cannot be utilized by sociologists. Public interest (kemaslahatan umat) as the nation’s ideal can be achieved through liberating, inclusive, and Divinity-dimensioned works. The word “liberating” means to release human beings from rigidity, ignorance, and oppression due to social structure. The word “inclusive” means to work and to undertake the process with anyone and Divinity dimension means to make transcendental motive a means of doing field works. In Rahmad language, it is called integration between faith, knowledge, and work (action).

Sociology Enteng-entengan, Sociology of Contribution and Sociology of Good Deed offer the great ideal. Enteng-entengan indicates the method of communication penetrating all society levels. The word “contribution” means that sociology contributes significantly to certain community and good deed (Amal Saleh) indicates perpetual motivation and sociologist’ partiality to public interest. This great idea is acquired through many years reflection. The real measures taken sustainably currently are to socialize and to market Sociology to audience through youtube channel: Rachmad Kristiono.

“Twenty three (23) years have passed since I left the Department of Sociology of FISIP UNS. I got so many things, not only knowledge but also information and discussion about life and sociology development in Indonesia. Our lecturers gave us so much knowledge, science, and social network. Guyub (intimate) and seduluran (friendship) circumstances are typical everlasting characteristics of UNS. Like a son who goes to a far place, seeing again the lecturers of UNS leaves happiness and composure. I think we will feel such pleasant condition continuously”, Rachmad said.


Editor: Novel Adryan Purnomo